時光荏苒,來到2022年的三月,在華盛頓特區的櫻花季,敬佳提議與安許拍攝一組美麗的情侶照。安許抓住了這難得的機會,讓室友擔任這次「攝影師」的角色。敬佳在Tidal Basin與他們相會,為拍照擺姿勢,然而,她並不知道,其實安許的室友正在錄影,將接下來的一切都記錄下來。安許向敬佳呈上一束玫瑰花,手機播放起Bruno Mars的"Marry You"。然後,在敬佳終身難忘的時刻,安許單膝跪地,深情地用中文說道:"你願意嫁給我嗎?"
Ansh was a junior at HKUST in Hong Kong and Claire was a senior at NTNU in Taipei. They were both on exchange for one semester at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. They met at a party for exchange students and added each other on Facebook.
A week later, Claire posted a photo with the Northern Lights in Yellowknife in northern Canada. Ansh was stunned - by the lights, of course. He wanted to know more about this girl, so he messaged her. She asked him out for lunch.
Claire and Ansh went to a Hong Kong noodle shop on campus. They talked for hours and hours because they couldn’t believe how similar they were. People had already started coming in for dinner by the time they left the restaurant. Ansh dropped Claire back to her dorm, which she found very touching. But then he left her to go watch an ice hockey game with his friends, in truly Ansh fashion. Nevertheless, a love story had begun that day.
Two months of being together was followed by more than five years of long distance - in different cities, countries, and continents. They didn't even see each other for 1.5 years during the pandemic. But their love grew stronger, and eventually Claire moved to the US to be close to Ansh again.
It was March 2022. Claire wanted to do a photoshoot with Ansh at the cherry blossoms in Washington, DC. Ansh seized the opportunity. Ansh's roommate obliged to be the photographer for this 'photoshoot'. Claire met them at the Tidal Basin and started posing for photos, not knowing that the camera was on video mode. Ansh gave her a bouquet of roses and played 'Marry You' by Bruno Mars on his phone. Then, in the best surprise of Claire's life, Ansh went down on one knee and said:
"Will you marry me?" (in Mandarin)
"Will you marry me?"
From Chen to Nasta
- From Girlfriend to Wife -
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*If you are attending the Taiwan wedding, please give us a red envelope there. More information can be found on the Taiwan page.